
Interactive art

CCGSM, 2017

Uturunku (jaguar) is an installation that presents itself as a ritual space, in front of a contemporary man lacking in religiosity, eager to seek spirituality as a pseudo-scientific / religious account. In the absence of a tanatic account that gives meaning to death and therefore to existence, this ritual space tries to be erected as a possible refuge from the inclemency of today, but it does not stop presenting itself as a confused sea of uprooted signs, image of our time or melancholic gesture of an ancestral past.


Uturunku is an interactive installation in which the public comes into contact with a ritual space, through interaction with their body, unfold rhythms and images that refer to the rite.

Artistic direction: Biopus (Emiliano Causa y Matías Romero Costas)

Music and sound design: Matías Romero Costas

Code: Emiliano Causa, Matías Romero Costas, Daniel Loaiza, Matías Sánchez Rivas

Illustration: Martín Barzola

Sculpture design and production: David Bedoian

Sculpture making assistant: Hernán González Moreno

Sensors and lighting control: Matias Jauregui Lorda

Sensor making: Gabriel Oroná

Assistance and musical research: Ezequiel Causa

Pictures 1 and 2 copywrite Centro Cultural Recoleta